Experience IQ

Tailored content control for everyone in your home.

Internet content and screen time control

ExperienceIQ manages all your family’s devices and content access from the SECOMIQ app.  You can customize what is appropriate to keep your family safe online.

Experience IQ Control Features

  • Custom settings by family member    
  • Screen time limits                                   
  • Usage & History                                      
  • Safe Search                                              
  • Content filtering                                      
  • Preset off times                                       
  • Pause                                                        
  • Bedtimes                                                  
  • Device and Activity Priorities                

ExperienceIQ Content Control Features

ExperienceIQ with My Priorities activity and device broadband optimization

Learn More about how you can use ExperienceIQ

Experience it today!

ExperienceIQ paired with SECOM BLAST WI-FI will make sure you receive the Ultimate Wi-Fi Experience.  We can get you setup today!